Czech stemming and lemmatisation alternatives in Apache Lucene.
How to import data into SolrCloud.
How to upgrade the collection scheme with full reindexing while still using the old collection?
When many data are found and returned by Solr, the request content lenghth limit may be reached and error 400 may occur.
How to run the Docker container which automatically proxies your container URL aliases to the appropriate containers.
Tips for using React.js framework.
How to simply run multiple linked Docker containers?
Key features of the Python web framework.
How to tune tune MySQL databases and queries.
Different conventions in different languages.
Cheatsheet for C++ language.
List of tools for collations creating.
Useful links for web development.
How to write, test and use your own filter.
Practical style guides for webdesigners and webcoders.
Tips for Hadoop Distributed File System.
How to run parallel jobs in Python.
List of my favourite free apps for OS X.
Speeding up searching in multi-tenancy documents with document routing.
How to run Apache Solr on Cloudera Hadoop platform.
Enterprise open source search platform built on Apache Lucene.