My excerpt from the book by John Russell.
- Impala is MPP - massively parallel processing engine
- intended for people familiar with SQL
Chapter 1: Why Impala?
- Hadoop is data-centric, SQL simple to use => with Impala you can use Hadoop for data analytics without PhD in distributed computing:)
- Impala brings flexibility for ETL - using Hadoop common data formats
- from batch data processing to "interactive" in Impala (=human-scale type of responsiveness)
- interactive queries
- using BI tools for "clicking" the queries - IBM Cognos, SAP Business Objects, Tableau...
- you don't need to reorganize the data - Impala works on original data
- fast queries - possible iterative submitting new queries when inspecting the data - exploratory data analysis, data discovery, ad-hoc queries
- from ad-hoc exploratory queries discover the frequent queries => store them into efficient parquet format
Chapter 2: Getting Up and Running with Impala
- installation possibilities: Cloudera Live Demo (Hue web interface), Cloudera Quick Start VM (virtual image), Cloudera Manager, Manual installation (need to install on all nodes - with Puppet, Salt etc.), build from source from GitHub
- Impala service = impalad, statestored, catalogd
- impala-shell command: connects to the impala server (impalad) - default localhost and port 21000, specify another host with -i flag
- toying with impala-shell: try CREATE TABLE, INSERT, SELECT...
Chapter 3: Impala for the Database Developer
SQL language
- SQL-92 standard with some enhancements from later SQL standards
- SELECT: joins, views, aggregate, order by, group by, casts, column aliases, built-in functions...
- DECIMAL data type: precise setting of number precision (number of digits and number of digits after decimal point) - for example DECIMAL(5,2) for 123.45; suitable for financial and precise scientific calculations
- missing OLTP commands UPDATE and DELETE - Hadoop is optimized for bulk inserts and appending
- NO transactions, foreign keys, constraints, unique, indexes, NOT NULL option
- NO DELETE - instead of it use DROP TABLE or DROP PARTITION
- REFRESH table after changing data externally
Big data considerations
- Impala performance shines on big data sizes - GB, TB and large. For small data you can use scripts or grep
- do tests on data with similar size to your real-world data - typically too big for one machine
- bring Impala to your system before the data become too huge
- HDFS block size 128 MB is OK, Parquet had default block size 1GB (note: since Impala 2.0 are both 256MB)
- Parquet block size: 1GB (default 256MB since Impla 2.0), but can be smaller (512, 128 or 64 GB)
- parallelism: NUM_NODES * NUM_CORES * PARQUET_SIZE, ex. cluster with 100 nodes, each 16 cores, 1GB parquet block size => 1.6 TB data can be processed in parallel
How Impala is Like a Data Warehouse
- no indexes and data normalisation
- full scans - efficient on all columns
- minimizes I/O operations and network traffic by local data operations - partitioning
Physical and logical data layout
- HDFS: speed, reliability and low-cost
- HDFS block: 64MB or 128MB, since Impala 2.0 256 MB
Distributed queries
- "Distributed queries are the heart and soul of Impala. Once upon a time, you needed a doctorate in parallel computing to even be able to think about doing such esoteric, obscure operations. Now, with Impala running on Hadoop, you just need…a laptop!"
- TODO: distributed query schema
- writing on each node produces one separate file!
- data processing on specific node is not guaranteed - it is not deterministic, so results are also not deterministic (ex. SELECT * FROM my_table LIMIT 10)
- expressions are computed on coordinator if possible - ex. NOW()
- time needed to transmit the result back to coordinator is proportional to the size of result set
Normalized and Denormalized Data
- normalized: more tables, OLTP, denormalized: OLAP (no overhead with processing - determining IDs from other tables in real-time systems...)
- Impala supports both - normalized with JOINs, denormalized with Parquet format (efficient dictionary compression)
File formats
- data in Hadoop:
- creating: Sqoop, Flume
- transforming: Hive, Pig
- analysing: Impala, MR, Spark
- text file format: simple to create, read, fix, grep, re-interpret data types... but it BULKY - good for experimenting, but not for big data
- Parquet file: columnar, appropriate data types (int, datatime, bool as single bit...), compression: RLE (run-time length), dictionary (for < 16K distinct values)
- Parquet - can be splitted to more files, each holds several columns
- commands SHOW TABLE STATS my_table and DESCRIBE FORMATTED my_table
- change file format: ALTER TABLE… SET FILEFORMAT, table can have different partitions in different formats
Chapter 4: Common Developer Tasks for Impala
Getting Data into an Impala Table
- INSERT ... VALUES - not suitable for production, because each command creates the separate data file
- INSERT ... SELECT - copy data from existing table - good for filtering, changing storage format etc.
- INSERT OVERWRITE - additionally clears the data from table
- LOAD DATA - moves the data file(s) from HDFS to Impala's internal HDFS directory - suitable when creating data internally and Impala is the final data consumer
- external tables (CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE ...) - Impala works with data files in specified HDFS path - suitable when there are several consumers of this data file
- use hadoop distcp -pb srcpath dstpath for manual copying parquet files - it preserves the block size
- Hive: data files are compatible (when using compatible data types) - Impala can use Hive tables directly, just call INVALIDATE METADATA and REFRESH after changes made through Hive
- Sqoop - exporting data from OLTP systems (MySQL etc.) - uses JDBC, inlude --null-string parameter
- Sqoop - can export to text, Avro, SequenceFile and since 1.5.2 version to Parquet
- Kite - converts text file directly to HDFS to Avro or Parquet file
- for Sqoop and Avro: do not forget to call INVALIDATE METADATA and REFRESH commands after data changes to notify Impala about it
Porting SQL Code to Impala
- different data types than on other databases like MySQL
- different DDL - specifying partitions, location, sperators etc.
- no UPDATE and DELETE commands
- less build-in functions than MySQL
- restricted implicit conversions (regarding to MySQL)
Using Impala from a JDBC or ODBC Application,
- close the connection after the query to free up the memory!
- JDBC - Hadoop JDBC driver for Java
- ODBC - for C++ and Python
Using Impala with a Scripting Language
- impala-shell interpreter, options:
- -q query
- -f file with SQL
- -o save output to the file on local filesystem
- impyla package for Python
Optimizing Impala Performance
- biggest performance killers are JOINs - table statistics helps to choose the right plan
- call COMPUTE STATS command after every table size change bigger than 30%
- use optimized Parquet format
- table size does not impact the RAM usage - Impala uses the modest size read buffer
- ORDER BY, UNION, DISTINCT increases the RAM usage (since version 1.4 the intermediate results can be spilled to the disk)
- RAM usage should be automatically distributed on the cluster
- aggregation functions MAX, AVG, SUM - size of intermedate data is proportional to the number of groups
- UNION is more complicated than UNION ALL and it uses more RAM, because it demoves duplicates - so if you know there will be no duplicates, prefer UNION ALL
- LIMIT clause substantially decreases the number of RAM used (it cuts off the records over the limit on each node)
- use the smallest INT possible - TINYINT, SMALLINT, BIGINT - RAM usage will be lower
- TIMESTAMP - you can separate date parts using EXTRACT function
- parquet writing can use lot memory - 1GB * NUM_NODES * NUM_CORES
- parallel writes - RAM usage 1GB for each partitioned block, INSERT query can fail because of limit of simulaniously opened files in HDFS
- how to minimize memory when writing the data:
- with computed stats, Impala does it automatically
- use SHUFFLE when INSERT ... SELECTing the data (= INSERT ... SELECT SHUFFLE ...)
- write partitions in separate queries (use SELECT DISTINCT with CONCAT subquery)
- partitioning - use columns which appeaas most frequently in WHERE clauses, date columns are suitable almost everytime
- partitions should correspond to HDFS block size (64MB - 1GB) - too small are inefficient, because from HDFS point of view is almost equal to read few megabytes and the whole data block
- loading new partitions: command LOAD DATA INPATH
Writing User-Defined Functions
- UDFs are faster and simpler to use and write than writing the application on top of Impala
- Impala supports UDFs written in C++ UDFs (faster) and Java (for compatibility with Hive) and Python (impyla)
- Scalar UDFs - work on single row, fast
- UDAFs - User-defined aggregate functions
Collaborating with Your Administrators
- recommended to dedicate 80% of RAM to Impala
- out of memory is often caused by invalid statistics, which causes bad Impala query planning
- data in production - use Sentry; group tables into databases and set access for it based on user roles
- Impala can use YARN for resources allocation - uses Lllama for retaining the results in memory until the memory is requested for another process by YARN
- again: use COMPUTE STATS after about 30% and more data changed (from Impala or from external application) in tables
- HDFS caching:
- reduces I/O
- uses special memory cache area
- suitable for frequently used tables
- can be set per table with CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE command
- developing for Impala:
- testing on one node or virtual machine installation
- later on small cluster with namenode on the same host as datanode
- production cluster with namenode on separate host; need for monitoring Impala nodes for performance
- do not forget to close all queries
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Vytvořil 25. března 2016 v 09:42:31
mira. Upravováno 938x, naposledy 29. března 2016 v 19:40:55,