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Apache Impala - interesting presentations

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24.3.2016 22:58
Počet přečtení: 674
Bunch of interesting slides from Slideshare.

The Impala Cookbook from Cloudera, Inc.

  • useful tips about performance and optimisation

Cloudera Impala technical deep dive from huguk

  • partitioning: few thousands of partitions are OK, tens of thousands are too much
  • partition file sizes should be hundreds of MB and more
  • Parquet: snappy vs. gzip compression (faster vs. more efficient)
  • before Impala 1.2.1 was necessary to place the biggest table in the query first, but since that version Impala does automatic rearrangement

Impala Architecture presentation from hadooparchbook


Impala 2.0 - The Best Analytic Database for Hadoop from Cloudera, Inc.


An introduction to Cloudera Impala from Semtech Solutions Ltd


Vytvořil 26. března 2016 ve 23:03:44 mira. Upravováno 23x, naposledy 29. března 2016 v 19:54:26, mira

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